Comfort and security close to home
Das Alexander-Stift
Alexander-Stift is a modern care facility for the elderly with a total of 20 locations in five districts in Germany. We offer assistance close to home to elderly people who are no longer able to manage their daily life on their own, or who are struggling with certain aspects of it.
In small care homes and co-housing communities, we create a family-like atmosphere in which we provide a sense of comfort and security and address the individual needs of our residents.

The senior centres Talheim and Lauffen a. N. ...
Employees wanted!
... are our newest and most modern senior centres. We are still looking for nursing staff for these centres in the Heilbronn district. We look forward to receiving your application!
Tip for searching in our database: Enter the region "Zaberfeld" in the location search and "10 km" in the radium search.
Our newest and modern care homes in Lauffen and Talheim are looking for care staff.

Living & Care
In our facilities, we look after and care for people of all care levels. Every person is different. We know that. That is why our top priority is to provide care that is tailored to the needs of our residents. Our services range from inpatient long-term care to short-term care, day care and assisted living. We are also happy to assist you in your own home.